Men’s Fellowship
Women’s Fellowship
At RP Women’s fellowship, you will find real women, with real lives exchanging godly wisdom with one another. We gather together on the 2nd Friday of every month to fellowship, mentor, and connect in a safe, supportive heavenly environment. We encourage every woman no matter where they are in life to go deeper in engaging with God while uplifting and encouraging one another to be all God has called them to be. We enjoy dining and diving together into God’s word, and participating in various activities that grow us closer to the Lord and to each other. We are a community that is intentional about building relationships. Our monthly meetings are structured to strengthen relationships and grow in God.
Youth Fellowship
Youth ministry for middle and high school students. We meet twice a month and have special worship events throughout the year.
RP Kids
Children are a vital part of The Resting Place Church. We believe that God will move in the hearts of the youngest attendees here. Our children’s ministry provides an exciting experience for toddlers and children from Pre K-5th grade. Children are provided with an age-appropriate learning experience and discover God in a safe, friendly, and kid-centered environment!
At RP Kids we aim to connect children with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We desire for them to have a deeper understanding of our magnificent Trinity. Our aim is to make His story known with the children at the RP by using a variety of scripture based lessons. Our goal is to lead them into His presence. They will learn how to hear and listen to God. We want to model with the children every week what effective prayer time can look like, so that they can start applying these practices in their daily lives. We want the children to connect with their peers at RP. Fostering the importance of relationship, will allow them to feel secure in sharing Jesus with others safely wherever they go, inside and outside of church.
A Look inside a Sunday at RP Kids
We have structured prayer times addressing specific requests brought to us by the children. We aim to teach scripture verses in depth for quick memory recall. We dive into the bible making the text more familiar. We give present day applications for their own lives. The teachers at RP spend time planning and preparing activities that connect with the scriptures being taught. We can reach many different learning styles by including art, music, movement, and many other modalities in their teaching. We include prayer time where children will reflect and listen for God to speak to them. Community building is crucial and will reflect the in the way children build relationships. The children will have an opportunity during structured play.
We would love to meet your family and have you join us on Sundays! If you have any questions about our Children’s ministry please feel free to contact us.
RP Marriage Ministry
RP’s ‘Built to Last’ Marriage ministry is designed to enrich the lives of couples and those engaged to be married. The Built to Last Marriage Ministry is committed to bringing couples into a closer, intimate relationship with God and their spouses by providing: tools to enrich marriage through education; activities to promote communication and intimacy; and biblical understanding of the precepts of marriage so that God will be glorified in our marriages. This ministry provides marriage enrichment classes, and sponsors activities to help build relationships between couples. Built to Last Marriages meet together quarterly.
Outreach and Missions
The Outreach and Missions Ministry will reach those that are locally centered, regionally based, internationally sent, and those that are in need of the gospel outside of a traditional church setting. All are called to evangelize, therefore our mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet; through personal witnessing, and the sharing of the Word of God. RP aims to provide spiritual, educational, and social events and activities throughout the community that will promote Godly relationships. Outreaches will happen at least once a quarter. We seek to equip individuals to serve one another; first within their families, then to their communities, and to the nations. Opportunities with be available for international short-term mission trips.
RP House Gatherings
RP Housing Gatherings is modeled from Acts 2:42-47 (teaching, fellowship, eating, praying, and praising God together). This is where the shepherding and discipleship happens. House Gatherings are the backbone of our apostolic center. They are the foundation on which the church (ekklesia) is built. RP House Gatherings are structured to create an atmosphere of fellowship and authentic relationships. They exist to get us involved with one another in a smaller and more intimate setting. A big component of house church are to see souls saved and discipled. Our House Gathering leaders are called by God and trained to equip people to make disciples. Simply put, our house gatherings’ goal is to bring God’s glory by teaching and admonishing each other to look and act more like Jesus Christ while producing greater fruit. The foundation of our house churches can be found in Ephesians 4:13, “This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.” We would love for you be a part of one of our house gatherings. We currently have one that meet 2nd and 4th Wednesday in West Spotsy. A few more will launch late Winter/early Spring. Contact us for more details.